* A California family is being sued by an animal rights group for allegedly mistreating their cows. Maybe the farmers were lactose intolerant... Bet they'll file a "moo"tion to dismiss...(I can go all day!). [My Valley News]
* A veteran Oregon attorney has surrendered his law license amid allegations of theft and other illicit conduct. [Oregonian]
* A woman has been charged with damaging the car of a lawyer representing a former cop allegedly involved in the death of George Floyd. [Minneapolis Star Tribune]
* A federal judge has dismissed the Trump Campaign's lawsuit concerning election procedures in Pennsylvania. [AP]
* An ethics board has approved of a New York lawyer withdrawing from a representation involving a court appearance out of fear of contracting COVID-19. [Bloomberg Law]
* A woman was cited over the weekend for allegedly drunk driving at over four times the legal limit and crashing into a bridge causing a traffic nightmare. Maybe she'll get four times the normal punishment... [Fox News]